Our Services
Avoiding Union Activity
The best prevention against union activity is providing employees with a positive working environment where employees see no need for third party representation. This is done through leadership, training, providing appropriate rewards and recognition, competitive pay and benefits, effective channels for employees to get their issues resolved, and creating a shared commitment to the success of the company.
Vulnerability Audits
BJC provides audit services to illuminate where employers are falling short of employee expectations and provide options on how employers can remedy those shortcomings.
In addition, we utilize digital resources to provide analytics on vulnerable areas to identify and mitigate potential threats.
Post Petition Campaigns
BJC consultants can partner with your business to ensure compliance with the legal parameters of a campaign. In addition, BJC consultants can effectively communicate to your employees about the realities of unionization and work with your leadership team to optimize your efforts in delivering your corporate position on unions.
Digital Communication Strategies
In this new era of labor, the vast majority of information is disseminated through online and other digital channels. It’s vital that your company utilize modern methods of communication in order to combat unions who are doing the same.
BJC & Associates Inc., in partnership with our sister company DWC, offers a wide array of digital communication strategies in order to effectively communicate with your workforce in the manner they are most familiar with.
Supervisor Training
Supervisor training should not begin after you become aware of union organizing at your facility. Training on how to engage employees should be woven into the fabric of your organization. Having engaged employees is the only way to insure against organizing before it happens.
BJC offers positive employee relations training to provide supervisors the skills they need to create the work environment where employees will never feel a need for outside representation to get their concerns addressed.
Labor Relations Training
Labor Relations training is essential for leadership to be able to recognize the early warning signs of union organizing. With unions utilizing digital communications, this training is crucial as these signs become more and more difficult to recognize.
In addition, as the regulatory environment has become increasingly hostile to employers, leadership needs to understand the legal limitations placed on them to prevent running afoul of the NLRA.
Public Relations
Now more than ever, public opinion plays an integral role in the success of a business and of a union campaign. BJC & Associates Inc. is equipped to handle corporate campaigns, and mitigate their impact on your suppliers, customers and community.