BJC & Associates, Inc.

BJC & Associates, Inc. is a labor relations consulting firm with over 25 years of experience helping clients manage union organizing drives.

We offer consultants who are well versed in Labor Law, as well as being personable and relatable to employees to make them exceptionally adept at delivering your messages to your employees.

In addition to offering direct communication to employees, BJC & Associates provides its clients with digital communications delivered to employees in a manner in which they are accustomed to receiving.

Our consultants are culturally diverse and have worked in a wide variety of industries that include healthcare, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, gig workers, retail, education and more.

Today’s workforce is more challenging than ever.

In addition to classic issues a workplace may face, leaders of today must understand, motivate, and direct a workforce with greater diversity in languages spoken, age, gender, and race. BJC & Associates offers exceptional labor consultants positioned to aid their clients in managing this new dynamic, ever-changing, and challenging workforce.

We provide your business with experienced consultants that reflect the diversity represented in your business. Our consultants understand your workforce and can relate those experiences back to you, enabling more effective communication between you, and your employees.

In conjunction with our sister company, Diverse Workforce Consultants, we strive to provide you with the most effective tools to bridge the gap between management and your employees. Whether your firm needs to communicate to an African American, Hispanic, Asian, Millennial, or mixed workforce, BJC & Associates is here to meet your diversity needs.